§ 12.5-5. Procedures for application and review.  

Latest version.
  • (a) 
    The Historic Properties Commission may request such plans, elevations, specifications, material and other information, including in the case of demolition or removal, a statement of the proposed condition and appearance of property after such demolition or removal, as may be reasonably deemed necessary by the Commission to enable it to make a determination on the application.
    In reviewing and acting upon applications for certificates of appropriateness, the Historic Properties Commission shall follow the procedures set forth in C.G.S. Chapter 97, Section 7-147e, for use by historic district commissions in reviewing applications for certificates of appropriateness affecting historic districts.
    Except as otherwise provided in this section, in reviewing and acting upon applications for certificates of appropriateness, the Historic Properties Commission shall apply the same standards and take into account the same considerations as set forth in C.G.S. Chapter 97a, Section 7-147f, for use by historic district commissions in reviewing applications for certificates of appropriateness affecting historic districts.
    In passing upon the appropriateness of alterations to earthworks or sites of historic or archaeological importance, the Commission shall consider, in addition to any other pertinent factors, their value and significance, size, design, arrangement, texture and materials. In its deliberations, the Historic Properties Commission shall act only for the purpose of controlling the erection or alteration of buildings, structures, objects, sites or parking that are incongruous with the historic or architectural aspects of the historic property.
    Where, by reason of topographical conditions or location or because of other unusual circumstances, the strict application of any provision of this section would result in exceptional practical difficulty or undue hardship upon the owner of the historic property, the Commission in passing upon applications shall have power to vary or modify strict adherence to the provisions of this section, provided such variance or modification shall remain in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this section so that the historic and architectural aspects of the historic property shall be conserved. In granting variances or modifications, the commission may impose such reasonable stipulations and conditions as will, in its judgment, better fulfill the purposes of this section. The commission shall, for each variance or modification granted, place upon its records and in the notice to the applicant the reasons for its determinations.